2nd Half with Lyngblomsten mentioned in "White Bear Press" article
February 22, 2017

2nd Half with Lyngblomsten was mentioned today in the White Bear Press! The article, "Getting seniors engaged: a progress report," highlights the Community Forum on Seniors, a collaborative effort between the White Bear Lake School District, local cities and townships, businesses, nonprofits, and community members to help older adults age well in the northeast Metro.
The Forum held a "report to the community" event last Wednesday, February 15, at which was shown an 11-minute video (titled "Preparing to Care") that explains the Forum's work thus far. It also includes interviews with leaders of organizations that are working together to help older adults—including Pastor Pam Stofferahn, senior pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church (a Lyngblomsten corporate congregation and host site for 2nd Half with Lyngblomsten). She talks about 2nd Half with Lyngblomsten and how it is helping older adults in White Bear Lake and beyond.
For more information on the Community Forum on Seniors, visit communityservices.isd624.org/adults-seniors. And for information on 2nd Half with Lyngblomsten, visit www.lyngblomsten.org/2ndHalf.