A Matter of Balance
Mar 19th - 1:00 PM
Lyngblomsten Community Room - 1415 Almond Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108
This program is for you if you are:
- Concerned about falls
- Have had a fall in the past
- Restrict activities because of concerns of falling
- Want to improve balance, flexibility, and strength
With a group of peers, in 8 sessions, you'll learn:
- To view falls and fear of falling as controllable
- To set realistic goals for increasing activity
- Ways to change your environment to reduce fall risks
- Exercises to increase strength, balance, and flexibility
Location: Lyngblomsten Community Room (1415 Almond Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108)
Register by March 5, 2025 at: https://yourjuniper.org/Classes/Register/4665 or by contacting Cyndy at (651) 632-5330 or communityservices@lyngblomsten.org.
For more information, click here.